Custom Blended Dry Fertilizer
Bagged Fertilizer
Liquid Fertilizer Transport
Weed & Brush Herbicide
Pesticide Application
Agriculture Insecticide
Lawn & Garden
Liquid Cattle Feed Supplement
Molasses Tubs
Mineral Fly Control Tubs
Spring & Fall Grazer Seed
Blended Fertilizer & Seed Application
Fertilizer Spreader Rentals
Wylie Spot Sprayers
Proudly serving South and Central Texas Farmers and Ranchers
Providing Fertilizer, Seed and Agriculture Services since 1968

Precise Custom Application
Experienced and Attentive Applicator Staff
Our mission is to
support the farmers and ranchers of South and Central Texas.
Welcome to FNE
FNE is a family-owned and operated fertilizer and agricultural service company headquartered in Falls City, Texas with a satellite location in Pleasanton, Texas. We have served South and Central Texas farmers, ranchers, commercial hay and turfgrass farms for over 50 years. Our offerings are centered around plant and cattle nutrition. We specialize in the application of custom blended dry fertilizer and pesticide application for weed and brush control. FNE offers spring and fall seed for hay and cattle grazing which can be blended with fertilizer for broadcast. Our cattle nutrition solutions include bulk liquid feed supplement available for pick up or delivery. Give us a call and let us know how we can help with your agriculture needs!