Custom Blended Dry Fertilizer
FNE specializes in the blending and application of custom dry fertilizer. Our combo dry fertilizer trucks can be used for fertilizer spreading alone, or fertilizer spreading with spray pesticide application. Fertilizer quantity and application services are based on the total acres and pounds of fertilizer per acre. We carry the following four fertilizer components and customize the blends based on optimal nutrients for the soil.
- Urea: 46-0-0
- DAP: 18-46-0 or MAP 11-52-0
- Potash: 0-0-60
- Sulfate: 21-0-0-24

Bulk Blended Dry Fertilizer
FNE offers rental of ground and PTO driven fertilizer spreaders for self-application. Dry fertilizer is custom blended to order and loaded on spreader one of our five-ton or two-ton spreaders. Spring or fall seed can be blended and applied with fertilizer.
Bagged & Organic Fertilizer
We carry a wide variety of seasonal bagged fertilizer products for lawn, garden flower and tree nutrition.
- 10-20-10 (50 lb. bag)
- 13-13-13 (50 lb. bag)
- 18-10-5-16 (50 lb. bag)
- 21-0-0-24 (50 lb. bag)
- 15-5-10-15 Turf Blend (50 lb. bag)
- Medina Growing Green 3-2-3 (40 lb. bag)
FNE also carries liquid organic fertilizer products for lawn, plant growth and soil activation.

Liquid Fertilizer Transport Load
FNE offers full transport loads of custom blended liquid fertilizer by special order. This product can be delivered to your storage tank. FNE also offers tip tank rentals with liquid fertilizer delivered to your location for temporary storage.
FNE offers various micronutrients and trace elements that can be blended into fertilizer mixes. These include Boron, Copper, Crop Mix, Iron, Zinc, etc. Additionally, we offer special orders of Lime and Gypsum to be delivered and applied at customer property.