Spring Grazing Seed
FNE carries spring Hay Grazer Seed at both the Falls City and Pleasanton location beginning in March. Other grazer and grass seed varieties available for order include Sorghum Almum, Later Grazer, Surpass BMR, Later Grazer BMR, Hegari, Bermuda grass, Buffel grass, Klein grass and Pearl Millet.
All spring seed varieties can be blended with dry fertilizer for application by FNE or self-application by broadcast spreader rental.

Fall Grazing Seed
Fall Seed offerings include Bulk Oats blended with fertilizer, Bagged Oats and Bagged Rye Grass. Other fall seed varieties available for order include Triticale and Beardless Wheat.
All fall seed varieties can be blended with dry fertilizer for application by FNE, or self-application by broadcast spreader rental.