About Us
History of FNE
FNE is a family owned and operated fertilizer and agriculture services company headquartered in Falls City, Texas with a satellite location in Pleasanton, Texas. Our offerings are centered around plant and cattle nutrition. We specialize in the application of custom blended dry fertilizer and pesticide application for weed and brush control. FNE offers spring and fall seed for hay and cattle grazing which can be blended with fertilizer for broadcast application. Our cattle nutrition solutions consist of bulk liquid feed supplement available for pick up or delivery.
FNE was founded in the early 1960s by Frank Paul Nieschwietz in Falls City, Texas. The business began by purchasing grain from local farmers and selling bagged fertilizer. Initially bags were brought in by truckload and loaded into spreaders and applicator trucks by hand. In the early 1970s, capacity and efficiency increased when Mr. Nieschwietz installed a railroad spur to receive bulk fertilizer by rail, then stored in a newly constructed fertilizer warehouse. When the local farming industry began to shift toward cattle ranching, FNE no longer purchased grain and concentrated on the application of custom blended fertilizer and pesticides for grazing and various crops. The increase in ranching also led to offering liquid cattle feed supplements for sale or delivery by the early 1980s.
By the mid-1980s Mr. Nieschwietz acquired an additional location known as “On The Farm” in Loire, Texas, a small community just outside of Pleasanton. This location retailed farm supplies and brought fertilizer and agriculture services to irrigated hay farms, turfgrass farms, row crop farmers and ranchers in the area. Bulk fertilizer continued to be mixed at the Falls City location and then transported for sale and application.
Mr. Nieschwietz believed in serving his customers and encouraging loyal employees to take great pride in their jobs. Since Mr. Nieschwietz retirement in 2011, Steve and Mindy Jendrusch have continued with operations of the business. FNE has continued to invest in our employees, equipment, and facilities to continue our service to the agricultural community. Fertilizer application is completed with the use of applicator GPS and computerized spray systems. In 2022, we completed construction of our new fertilizer warehouse and blending facility. Our new facility has increased our fertilizer capacity to nearly 1,800 tons, and the automated blending system produces quicker load times while ensuring precise analysis and volumes for fertilizer blends.
We look forward to serving South and Central Texas farmers and ranchers for many years to come!
Custom Dry Fertilizer Blends & Application
Pesticide Sales & Application

Cattle Feed
Seed & Fertilizer